
Steel companies diversified

Steel mills diversity is not a fresh topic, such as the wuhan overseas bargain-hunting buying ore is one of the diversified direction to common steel mills.Wisco has tasted the sweets.People in the company had previously admitted that in the past two years the industry under the condition of large losses, wisco can keep small profit,outside diameterat long radius welded elbow 90 degree the income from mines account for quite a few.
In 2013, join diversified steel companies more and more.Diversified some steel mills are still around core business of steel, or look for upstream, mine, or to the steel e-commerce, logistics and other fields.Such as officially "electric shock" at the end of may this year, baosteel steel spot trading of e-commerce platform, the Shanghai iron and steel trading center.Baosteel also made no secret of his "ambitious" : to build a steel version of the amazon.
Some steel mills are bold crossover, the habit and the main business goes and business.This had to wisco, his pigs last year plan created quite a stir after the disclosure, then further "detachment" wisco Deng Qi chairman Lin, company also plans to buy thousands of acres of land for stereo ecological farming, will be carried out at the same time the early childhood education, water and electricity maintenance, car rental and other modern urban logistics services.
At present, has been running two months of futures trading is more active, the iron ore industry customer involvement is relatively positive, market running smoothly, the price discovery and hedging function gradually appear, hand in a copy of the market is relatively satisfactory answer.

