
CDB trillions of directional local urbanization

Public news, according to the urbanization construction in our country, the main bank, since march this year, China development bank has successively with anhui, more than 10 provinces and short radius 90 degree elbow cities such as shenzhen, sichuan signed a memorandum of understanding or agreement, the focus of urbanization.

Cooperate with CDB past history is more of anhui also became the first pilot province of the bank's financial support of urbanization, as of the first half of the year, CDB has issued the large diameter ASTM end cap for water pipe urbanization in anhui branch loans 20 billion yuan, in the same period the renminbi loans accounted for about 90%, the figure in 2012 was 2012 yuan, accounting for more than 82%.

According to the data, operation to sichuan, shenzhen, fujian and other provinces and cities to provide the financing ASTM A106 seamless carbon steel tube amount of 200 billion, 100 billion, 150 billion, respectively, to determine the behavior of urbanization in the local financial support to the super trillions.

"Must be involved in the process of urbanization, and has a medium to long term investment demand, the CDB is based on the medium and long term financial, involved in the urbanization has its advantage." The national development and reform commission, the center of cities and small towns, a researcher at Yi Peng said.
CDB, according to data by the end of 2012, China development bank loans of urbanization has issued 6 trillion, totaled 3.4 trillion, speed up the process of our urbanization 8 to 10 years, drive the local finance income over 4 trillion yuan, increase GDP grew by an average of 0.4% a year.

"CDB actually play the role of an intermediary, more subtle, in a sense it on behalf of the government money." Area of zhejiang university and city center for economic research, the executive director of Chen Jianjun pointed out.Reporters learned that in anhui as the CDB pilot provinces, the first in the country's financial support of urbanization in infrastructure and public service facilities, city development zone production integration, modern agriculture, housing, land management and land reserve, etc.

According to CDB and anhui province signed the "comprehensive promoting the construction of new urbanization in anhui province pilot cooperation memorandum (2013-2015), the two sides will begin in 9 cities + 23 counties in anhui province pilot new urbanization construction, and in the last 2020 years ago and thorough going efforts to promote the province's new urbanization construction.

